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October 18, 2015

Sunday Stash

Thought I would have a little fun this week and join up with Molli Sparkles Sunday Stash Link up.

Molli Sparkles

I don't often have new purchases to post, as I typically buy when I am starting a new project. A few weeks ago my MIL asked me to make a baby quilt for a friend of hers, that is due in January. After going through my stash, I just needed a contrasting fabric. So, I bought a yard of these cute little guys at my LQS.
They are perfect for this quilt. 
To the owls, I am adding some cute Zoo fabric and some dragonflies. I had bought the dragonflies for another project, but being a destash I got 3 yards, when I only needed 1, so I have plenty.
My lazy sunday project is organizing my fabric into Quiltology.
To give you an idea what I am working with. I have managed to pick up quite a bit of fabric and am inputting it into Quiltology. Quiltology is a quilt creation app for the iPad. So each piece is entered with a photo, a size, name, manufacturer, and colors. Later I can create quilts and blocks and insert the photos to see what the finished item will look like. While I am enjoying the app, I see a large time investment inputting my stash to get started properly. If anyone has an easier/faster way, let me know. =)

October 7, 2015

Onward and Forward

So, busy little bee that I am, I rarely find time to post. I am still working on the Stitchmap course. My mentor has graciously allowed my to overshoot the deadline, since my life priorities have eaten up so much of my 'me' time.

These were all created during lessons in the class. Each is destined to turn into a pattern weight or pincushion.
This piece will become a small drawstring bag to hold the pattern weights. (please excuse the extra shadows, not sure how they appeared)